
Oct 30, 2017

Tradie picks up winning $3million Lotto ticket on his tea break before celebrating with a sausage roll

  • The Bull Creek tradie swung by Leeming Lottery Centre to collect his winnings
  • He then celebrated with a sausage roll and coffee before heading back to work
  • The man in his 30s said the giant cheque would be used to pay off his mortgage

A Perth tradesman celebrated with a well-deserved sausage roll and coffee after scooping up $3 million in Lotterywest's $21 million Superdraw.

The State's newest millionaire rolled into work Monday like it was any other day, but made a special pit stop during his smoko break to claim his whopping prize.

The Bull Creek tradie swung by Leeming Lottery Centre to collect his winnings, right before scooping up a sausage roll and a much-needed hit of caffeine.

A Perth tradie celebrated with a sausage roll and coffee after picking up his $3 million lotto prize money during his smoko break on Monday

'I bet that's a first – Lotto winner buys sausage roll,' he told Perth Now.

'I haven't caught a wink of sleep so I'll probably add a coffee to the order too.'

Clad in his hardhat and hi visibility clothing, the dedicated worker headed straight back to the work site after completing surely the most exciting errand of his life.

The lucky 30-something-year-old said he and his wife, who he said was in complete disbelief, hadn't quite come to terms with the hefty sum yet.

Clad in his hardhat and hi visibility clothing, the dedicated worker headed straight back to the work site after the exciting errand

The Bull Creek tradie swung by Leeming Lottery Centre to collect his winnings, right before scooping up a sausage roll and a much-needed hit of caffeine

'We both went off to work this morning like nothing's happened.'

He said the giant cheque would be used to pay off his mortgage, but he wasn't sure what else just yet.

His win was the State's 54th Division One for the year, and the second to be sold from the Leeming Lottery Centre in just more than 12 months.

'Late last year we sold a Division 1 winning ticket worth almost half a million dollars,' store owner Colin Doyle said.

His win was the State's 54th Division One for the year, and the second to be sold from the Leeming Lottery Centre (inside pictured complex) in just more than 12 months
